My crazy photos!

One thing a few of you may notice about this site is the photography! I’m not the worlds greatest photographer by any means, but it is a hobby that I enjoy. Most technical writing is fairly boring so I’m going to use my crazy photos to lighten things up a bit I hope you like this!

And so without further ado I thought I’d include a few recent shots!

Whiskey writing the beach
The office on a good day


Michael Doolan, Witch’s apple
Castlemaine gallery 2017


Just an old ink blotter

Yes a Major update!

Well a few people – not many but a few – will have noticed that the blog has been updated! Nice funky WordPress implementation and https! And it works on Mobile!!!!. I also have about 10 years worth of old blog articles that are still available hear.
In addition to all of this I will also be reviewing all of those articles (over time) and re issuing / updating them via this WordPress format, as well of course as adding lots of new articles.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the new look and feel. Hear are a couple of  additional articles I wrote at the end of last year.

Linux / Unix stuff

Notes on nginx config




Nasty probing http traffic and how to block it!

Ubuntu CLI machine and pi


So I notice the ethernet light on my wee server popping away… I check out the logs and notice something attacking my server. Ah a rather stupid brut force hack attempt. Some automated piece of (Sh!T) digital pollution – Grrrrrrr!

There is nothing quite as satisfying as watching a log go quite after executing something like.



sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Simple and effective!

Linux / Unix stuff

City Melbourne Australia

Just some occasional unix / linux CLI related notes

To add a .txt to the end of a number of files in a directory

for file in report_*; do mv “$file” “${file}.txt”; done

for f in * ; do mv “$f” “$f.txt” ; done

To delete every file in a directory that does not end in .txt

sudo find . -type f ! -name ‘*.txt’ -delete