More crawling skin!

I’ve been following the company that says “Don’t be evil” on he issue of project Dragonfly – Googles “China” friendly search engine. The intercept has the lowdown on this project hear.

I have a belief that as companies get bigger they get more stupid and less focused. I think that this is indeed the case for Google. After reading the article I have to ask what sort of flavour of BS are these so called managers trying to stuff down the throats of humanity?

I’m starting to think it’s time to remove all my content from there platform.

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The register also has an article about the appalling behaviour of Googles’s senior management and it rightly points out that this is a company that is at a very serious fork in the road.

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To expand on my thesis that “as companies get bigger they get more stupid” I also found this disturbing story…

My skin is crawling right now.

Currently reading thru this from bloomberg it’s mind numbing stuff and if true, is just disgusting. Humanity builds these incredible and amazing machines & then what do we do? What do we do@!!
We snitch on each other like disgruntled school children.

IT Security what a brain Fu(K.

Now coming at you via fiber optic – or FTTP!

So I moved home recently and what I didn’t realise, and what was also a very pleasant surprise, was that the new home has a fiber optic link (or fttp if you want the nice acronym!). So now via a not so great gigabit link via my ISP’s cheap and rather crappy supplied modem. It’s not rocket ship fast but should hopefully be a lot better than the old ADSL2 link that the poor thing limped along on. Fingers crossed that this should work faster and we should have longer uptimes!