Install howmanypeoplearearound on mac os X

howmanypeoplearearound  “calculates the number of people in the vicinity using the approximate number of smartphones as a proxy”

To do this on Mac os X first make sure that you have “brew” installed.

See the simple instructions / site hear

Your also going to need tshark the cli version of wireshark installed

brew install tshark

Also I found using python3 important as I was having dependency problems with the standard python install

Download and install python3 from hear


sudo pip3 install howmanypeoplearearound

now you can observe howmanypeoplearearound !

Typical usage

sudo howmanypeoplearearound -s 300 -o scan_big2.json -a en1

(Listens to network traffic for 5 minutes writes to the file scan_big2.json in json format using interface en1 (wireless card use ifconfig -a to check that yours is named in the same manner)


Setting up software based raid

This is a very quick and dirty collection of notes to just get you up and running

View existing drives


Create raid array

sudo mdadm –create –verbose /dev/md0 –level=6 –raid-devices=4 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sde /dev/sdd


Observe process of building

watch -n 3 -d cat /proc/mdstat

Nasty probing http traffic and how to block it!

Ubuntu CLI machine and pi


So I notice the ethernet light on my wee server popping away… I check out the logs and notice something attacking my server. Ah a rather stupid brut force hack attempt. Some automated piece of (Sh!T) digital pollution – Grrrrrrr!

There is nothing quite as satisfying as watching a log go quite after executing something like.



sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Simple and effective!

Linux / Unix stuff

City Melbourne Australia

Just some occasional unix / linux CLI related notes

To add a .txt to the end of a number of files in a directory

for file in report_*; do mv “$file” “${file}.txt”; done

for f in * ; do mv “$f” “$f.txt” ; done

To delete every file in a directory that does not end in .txt

sudo find . -type f ! -name ‘*.txt’ -delete