Install howmanypeoplearearound on mac os X

howmanypeoplearearound  “calculates the number of people in the vicinity using the approximate number of smartphones as a proxy”

To do this on Mac os X first make sure that you have “brew” installed.

See the simple instructions / site hear

Your also going to need tshark the cli version of wireshark installed

brew install tshark

Also I found using python3 important as I was having dependency problems with the standard python install

Download and install python3 from hear


sudo pip3 install howmanypeoplearearound

now you can observe howmanypeoplearearound !

Typical usage

sudo howmanypeoplearearound -s 300 -o scan_big2.json -a en1

(Listens to network traffic for 5 minutes writes to the file scan_big2.json in json format using interface en1 (wireless card use ifconfig -a to check that yours is named in the same manner)